• Complimentary Pre Discovery Workshop Learn about your organisation

    Complimentary Pre-Discovery workshp

    1-hour pre-discovery meeting where we focus on understanding your high-level objectives, tech stack and definitions of success for a migration to Shopify Plus.

    • Meet with a person that is a Shopify expert
    • Complimentary session
  • Shopify Plus Discovery Workshop

    Shopify Plus Discovery Workshop

    Following the complimentary discovery workshop, we engage with your team in 3 sessions to enhance our understanding and evaluate the preparedness for Shopify Plus and Commerce Components.

    • Save time
    • Get answers
    • Create a workable plan
  • GDPR Compliance Services

    GDPR Compliance Made Effortless

    Navigating the complex landscape of GDPR compliance can be daunting, especially for eCommerce businesses. Our dedicated GDPR specialists ensure that your Shopify Plus store aligns with the latest data protection regulations, giving your customers peace of mind while enhancing your brand's credibility.

  • Navigating Your RFP Journey

    We are uniquely positioned to translate your business requirements into actionable solutions. Our consultants delve deep into your RFP, identifying areas where Shopify Plus features can seamlessly align with your objectives. This not only streamlines your RFP process but also ensures that you gain the most from your investment in Shopify Plus.

  • SEO and Branding Services

    Boost your online presence with our expert SEO and branding services. Leverage 5 years of Shopify Plus experience for success.

  • Custom Shopify Plus Checkout UI Extensions

    Build on Shopify Plus Checkout with Custom UI extensions development. Improve functionality, enhance user experience, and boost sales by customising your checkout.